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Remotely Executing Estate Plan Documents During The COVID Lockdown Periods


The ongoing unpredictability of the COVID pandemic continues to provide a significant example of how life can change drastically day-to-day. We recommend that you have a carefully thought out, up to date Will, Enduring Power of Attorney (financial) and Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker to protect you and your loved ones in case of an unforeseen event.

We are able to take telephone and audio-visual link appointments in order to obtain your instructions and reflect them in your Estate Plan. Once our lawyers have drafted your Estate Plan the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) (Electronic Signing and Witnessing) Act 2020 permits the signing of documents via audio-visual links like Zoom, Skype and Microsoft Teams. This is how:

  1. Our lawyers will witness you sign your Estate Plan documents online;
  2. Independent witnesses present with you at the time of your appointment will then sign the Estate Plan document where required;
  3. The signed document will then be sent to one of our lawyers who will confirm that the document is the same document you signed whilst ensuring that there is a statement in your Estate Plan document specifying that it has been signed remotely;
  4. The document will then be sent to a final ‘Special Witness’, one of our Directors, who will again certify that the document has been executed correctly.
  5. Our lawyers will then sign a declaration certifying the process has been followed correctly.

These documents are important for the protection of you and your loved ones. You do not need to put off arranging your affairs due to the COVID lockdowns or otherwise. Our lawyers at JP Legal will take every step to ensure that you can organise your personal legal affairs in a streamlined and convenient process.

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